Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ok, I am really new to this but let me just say that it does seems a lot of fun.I suppose the name takes me back to the time of my life when i was very confused to whether i consider myself as an Australian or my original ethnic background.For a very long time ,i lived two lives .The responsible ethnic boy at home and the boy that followed what the Australian society dictated me to be.Complicated huh? Lets just say that the formative years of my life which is the age of 15 to 19 were really tough, a period of soul searching and the search for my identity. I remember a very close chinese friend of mine relating a similar problem of hers ."When i am in china they call me a banana,yellow on the outside and white on the inside.But when im in Australia they call me that asian girl".
Im older now. Wiser? No, probably not but definitely more secure of who i am and where i belong. Through the years ,the line between the importance of my ethnicity were blurred and assimilation became a natural occurence. I have been in this country longer than my original background.I have embraced and live the Australian way of life. I, like a lot of Australians am working hard,paying a mortgage , running my own business and worrying about who is going to lead our country.
Am i stronger for it? Definitely. Realizing ,accepting and having the knowledge that the old country has no more hold on me has given me the freedom to pursue the life that my parents wants for me.
Am i succeeding? Well, i have probably done better than my parents but is it not the rule of the thumb that we have to do better than our elders? I suppose i am not where i wish to be as yet. I have hopes and dreams and im sure there will be a lot of obstacles along the way. This is probably why i am writing here right now. Im here to share my journey with anyone who wishes to listen my joys,my trials ,my tribulations,and ultimately my pursuit of happiness.

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